Oxford Historical Society
Notable Oxfordians
1839 - 1860
1860 - 1880
1880 - 1900
1900 - 1940
1940 - 1960
Our African American Heritage
1836 - 1865
1865 - 1999
Born after 1900
Outstanding Citizens
A - C
D - E
F - L
M - S
T - Z
Historical Sites
Self-Guided Tour
City of Oxford: Original Map
The Landmarks
The Stores
The Homes
The Schools
Emory at Oxford
The Churches
The Cemeteries
Oxford Story Book
Oxford HIstorical Cemetery
Membership Contact Us
Old Church Event Venue
Outstanding Citizens
F - L
Move your cursor over each photograph to see the name and lifespan of the person pictured. Click on the picture and you will be taken to their biography.