John Forney
1917 - 2005

Forney, who earned his PhD in microbiology from Stanford University, was the Director of the City Health Laboratory in Los Angeles prior to moving to Atlanta in 1963 and taking a job with the Centers of Disease Control, where he worked for 25 years. He and his wife, Martha, moved to Oxford in 1978 where they were very active in community affairs. Both were committed members of Allen Memorial Methodist Church, the Oxford Historical Shrine Society, and the Oxford Historical Cemetery Foundation. Forney was also an active member in the Oxford Lion’s Club.
The Clinical Laboratories Improvement Act of 1967 required all laboratories operating interstate commerce to have federal licensure. As part of federal oversight, Forney developed a laboratory safety program and presented over 100 laboratory safety workshops around the world.
The Clinical Laboratories Improvement Act of 1967 required all laboratories operating interstate commerce to have federal licensure. As part of federal oversight, Forney developed a laboratory safety program and presented over 100 laboratory safety workshops around the world.