The Stone Family
G.W.W. Stone, Sr. and Susan Bethia Capers Stone had six children. From eldest to youngest: Susan ("Tudie"), Emma, George Jr., Sara ("Sallie"), Harry, and Theodotus ("Oddie").
Susan ("Tudie") Capers Stone
1851 - 1925
1851 - 1925
Emma Sidney Stone
1853 - 1920
1853 - 1920
Emma ("Stema") Stone married Howard E. W. Palmer, son of James Elmore Palmer (after whom the Palmer Institute - later Palmer-Stone School - was named) in 1877.
Howard Elmore Weaver Palmer,
husband of Emma Stone
husband of Emma Stone
George Washington Whitfield Stone, Jr.
1855 - 1939
1855 - 1939
Sara ("Sallie") Amanda Stone
1858 - 1931
1858 - 1931
Sara ("Sallie") Stone married Junius Branham in 1886. They had two children, Sara Elizabeth and George Harlan. For Branham family photographs, see Branham Family under Gallery.
Harry Harlan Stone
1861 - 1932
1861 - 1932
Theodotus ("Oddie") Stone
1864 - 1893
1864 - 1893
William Theodotus ("Oddie") Stone married Ida Lowrey in 1893 and they had three children: Lowrey, Harry, and Florence ("Polly") Ida Stone.
Harry Harlan Stone Descendants
Margaret Judith Stone
1886 - 1887
1886 - 1887
Bonnell Harold Stone
1887 - 1935
1887 - 1935
Bonnell Stone married Edna Ausland in 1912. They had three children, Edna Mildred ("Mildred"), Bonnell Harold ("Harold") Jr., and Edward Morton.
Howard Stone
Emmalise Stone
Susanne Stone
Susanne Stone kept a photograph album with numerous pictures of family and friends. This collection appears in a separate section below, after the following family photographs.
Photograph Album of Susanne Stone (m. Eady)
The following pictures were found in an album that is believed to have belonged to Susanne Stone (m. Eady) and provided by Louise Eady, wife of Virgil Easy, Jr (son of Susanne and Virgil Eady, Sr.). The pictures here have been placed in the same order in which they appeared in the album. Identifications of people in the photographs have been provided by Louise. When a person's identity was an uncertainty, the name appears in brackets. Please contact us if you can identify any of people or places or if you have any information about any of the photographs you would like to share.

135. The newly finished Stone Family Home, built in 1937 on the same site as the Harry Harlan Stone House after the later was destroyed by fire. It appears to be Susan Bonnell Stone (on left) and Virgil Eady Sr. (on right) with his young son, Virgil Jr., but the man in the center of the photograph has not been identified.
The following photographs are from the Stone Family archives provided by Louise Eady.